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作品底價 (不設找續)

卷軸:MOP 380/幅 

裱框:MOP 388/幅

十二生肖 MOP 138 / 張

1. 現場展示之卷軸及裱框作品均為孤本,當孤本出售後,再訂購該作品之款式(顏色或圖案)會有所不同。
2. 視乎不同類型或材質,所有訂購作品的製作期約需 5至10天。

訂購方法 :
第1步:填妥網上訂購表格;或致電 (853) 2870 3076 / WhatsApp:(853) 6668 4891 訂購。
第3步:使用Mpay / 中銀轉帳預繳,繳費後才完成訂購程序。

1. 填寫網上表格時,請輸入正確聯絡資料。
2. 遞交表格後,所填寫之訂購內容恕不能更改,其已繳費用,概不退還。
3. 取件時,請自備環保袋。
4. 如收到作品後,發現有所錯漏,請與本館工作人員接洽。

[[ Upset Pre-order Notes ]] :

Upset Price (No change shall be provided):
Hanging Scroll MOP380/scroll
Chinese Calligraphy Frame MOP388/frame

The Chinese Zodiac MOP138 /pc

Friendly Reminder:
1. Hanging scroll and frames are the only extant copy. Once the copy is being sold, the ordered copy may vary (in frames).
2. Items will be ready for collection within 5 to 10 days.

How to order:
1. Please fill in the Order Form or contact us (Tel.:(853)2870-3076/WhatsApp (853)6668-4891) for further enquiries.
2. After placing the order, you will receive an order acceptance text message within 3 working days.
3. Once you complete the payment by MPay or via bank transfer, the order is confirmed.
4. You will receive a text message regarding the date of collection when your order is ready.

1. Please fill in the Order Form precisely.
2. Order Form cannot be amended upon confirmation, and non-refundable.
3. Please bring your own bag for collection.
4. Please contact us promptly in case of negligence in the order.

© 2022澳門紐曼樞機藝文館版權所有

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